In the Allotment
Dementia Friendly Allotments
On Tuesday I was invited to an open day at the Dementia friendly allotments on the Kingston Lacy estate. The Wimborne Dementia Friendly society have once again helped with the fund raising for this initiative which sees those with dementia and their carers, have a chance to experience the outdoors and grow something in the process!
There is quite a community spirit there and this is thanks to those volunteers and fund raisers that make it all possible. Wimborne Minster Town Council have supported the project as have others including Waitrose who were present once again with their out sized cheque!

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental…

Receiving allotment grown flowers!
After some speeches including hearing from Sarah the leader of the project and Cllr Mrs Sue Cook, the Chairman of Wimborne’s Dementia Friendly Society, we had a chance to get our feet dirty and have a tour of the allotments (and of course tea and cake to follow)!

Watching the hard work!
The siting of the allotments is changing for the new season and it is very good of the National Trust to allow this space for such a good cause. There is a toilet block and kitchen facilities on site, it is ideal for the purpose, long may it continue!
Thursday I went to the CAB AGM in Allendale House. Many volunteers were present, along with paid staff – including Manager Dorne Hardiman. There were also town and district Councillors present to hear the Chairman of the Trustees Alan Breakwell give a breakdown of the year.
Dorne talked about the future and the work of the CAB, whilst a volunteer gave his experience of working with the team and a paid worker detailed a case study to give a picture of how they help people and how desperate some situations are.
Volunteers get a great deal of training which always needs to be updated given the change of legislation including how benefits work. But ‘non advice’ opportunities are also possible e.g. reception or admin work – it all helps!
The future is a little uncertain with the re organisation of the Councils on the horizon but they’re hopeful that the benefits of having such an organisation speaks for itself. Quite a gap would be created without this type of citizen support which central or local government would ultimately have to pick up the baton on if it no longer existed!
One to watch in the next 18mths. Well done to all involved.
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