I can’t believe it was a whole year ago when I was preparing for my Mayoral speech as the new Town Mayor for 2018/19. I’d been getting a bit nervous as I’m not big on public speaking and was practising… Continue Reading →
Our very own Town Crier (and newly appointed Freeman of the Town), Chris Brown, had been organising this competition for about 2 years! It’s always a worry with outside, events whether the weather will hold up. Well it did… Continue Reading →
At some point in the Civic year of a Town Mayor, a Civic Service or Reception is held. This may be organised by the Mayor and Town/Parish office, or in some cases, entirely by a church and the Mayor is… Continue Reading →
‘Tis tradition in Wimborne Minster to see the Town Mayor, Town Crier and the Militia (plus Freeman Anthony Oliver), out and about in town – with perhaps a dragon, to celebrate St George’s day by selling roses for charity…. Continue Reading →
The Town Mayor of Ferndown Cllr Mrs Jean Read had her Civic Day towards the end of the Mayoral year, so the Chain gang are pretty much familiar with each other by now, making the whole thing a lot of… Continue Reading →
Saturday 13th April is Independent Record Store day and since we have one of the very few in the country – and a very popular one at that – it was a busy day in town! Not only was there… Continue Reading →
It is tradition that the Town Mayor bowls the first wood when the Bowling club opens for the season! Saturday 13th April was set for the grand opening. Well it was a first for me! Never bowled before (without bumpers… Continue Reading →
Nearing the end of what has been a very special year as Mayor of Wimborne Minster, my brothers and I very suddenly and without warning, lost our Mum on 14th March. Having made so many friends through the year, I… Continue Reading →
Commonwealth Day – 11th March, it is traditional for the Town Mayor to raise the Commonwealth flag at the Royal British Legion in West Borough. A speech is put online from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to be read out across… Continue Reading →
Fairtrade fortnight kicks off in March and the lovely committee volunteers put on a bit of ‘do’ at the Minster to raise the profile of the fact that we are a Fairtrade town and to give people information on what… Continue Reading →
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