Selling Roses


‘Tis tradition in Wimborne Minster to see the Town Mayor, Town Crier and the Militia (plus Freeman Anthony Oliver), out and about in town – with perhaps a dragon, to celebrate St George’s day by selling roses for charity.

Tuesday the 23rd April 2019 was quite a warm day in town so there were plenty of people milling about – many of them buying beautiful red roses from us at £2.50 a go!  A bargain compared to retail prices.

All of the money raised – £270.50 goes to my charities this year and a contribution to the wonderful town Militia for their support.

Thanks to all those that contributed (some without taking the actual roses)!

And please don’t worry that St George wasn’t actually from England – many countries choose a saint that represents the values and qualities that the country aspires to and St George was the saint our king at the time chose – simple!

On the countdown now to the last few Mayoral engagements!