In Bloom Judging
Last week was the regional judging for Wimborne In Bloom. On Thursday 19th July two judges came to town to be escorted to various sites in order to assess the town for the competition. They commented on how towns had found it difficult this year to keep the flowers and foliage in good condition with the extremely unusual long spell of such hot weather. Let’s hope we managed to do it a bit better than some others!
They were greeted at the Town Hall and were able to have tea and refreshments whilst looking at displays and portfolios that the Wimborne in Bloom volunteers had put together for the event. I hadn’t realised just how much of the judging depends upon the level of community engagement. The portfolios showed not just how various planting schemes had developed, but also the inclusion of the local schools and clubs. For example there was recently an Art competition in schools and for adults.
We won’t know the outcome until September but in the meantime, on 30th July, the Britain in Bloom team come to town! There will be a litter pick the night before, so do help out if you can – every little helps when it comes to keeping the town as clean and litter free as possible just in time for judging day. To find out more, see here.

Presenting a winner
Monday 24th I was invited to attend a preview evening of the Wimborne Art Club at Church House. There was so many paintings on display of various media and from local people. There’d been a competition beforehand for a ‘still life’ and a ‘portrait’. So on the evening they were judged and I was able to present the winners with certificates and their prizes!
It’s well worth a visit to Church House when you’re in town. The displays and quality of the paintings is brilliant! I was encouraged to join the Art Club but I gather it’s so popular that at least one person was on the waiting list for 2 years!
All the artwork is original but the prices are extremely reasonable and it’s free to browse! Thank you to the club for inviting me and for my flowers!

I was given flowers!

Talking to Rosemary Macdonald

Some painting on display
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